Author guidelines for Studia Komunika journal can be downloaded here:

Author(s) guidelines (English)

Manuscript template (English)

 All manuscripts submitted to journals must be written in Bahasa and/or English. The manuscripts in Bahasa should include the title, abstract, and keywords in English. The manuscript content base of research or experiment result (maximum of the last 5 years), articles review, or research note about experimental methods, technology, observations, and preliminary results of experiment.  The accepted manuscript has not yet published or not in the process of publication in other national or international scientific journals.


The manuscript submitted by following a predefined script format with a maximum 2 MB of file size. Manuscripts, including Abstract (Bahasa and/or English), typed 1.5 spaces on A4 size (210 x 297 mm), 2.5 cm margins on all sides, and Times New Roman 12-sized font. The manuscript typed with Microsoft Word (docx) program. Each page numbered consecutively with maximum of 15 pages, including tables and pictures.

Manuscripts arranged in the following order:

- Title

- Author's full name (mark * to the author for correspondence)

- Name of the institution with complete address

- Author email for correspondence

- Abstract

- Keywords

- Introduction

- Methods

- Results and Discussion

- Conclusion

- Acknowledgments (if needed)

- References

Manuscripts from reviews, research notes, or preliminary results should not be written in accordance with the composition of the research script. The maximum page is 15 pages (including tables and figures). Introduction and method are written short and without an abstract. Reviews are written as a script without Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussions.

Authors can also download the Studia Komunika Journal Templates that provided to help the author to write the manuscript.

Description of Manuscript Composition


Title should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete. Title should identify the main issue. Title is written in bold and using capital letters at the beginning of each word except conjunctions. The maximum title consists of 15 words (except conjunctions). The manuscript in Bahasa must be accompanied by English title written in italic. Under the title, the full name (not abbreviated) of all authors along with the name and address of the author's affiliated institution. Mark * on the author's name for correspondence author. Address for correspondence should be completed with email and fax.

Abstract and Keywords

Abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. Abstract should provide brief introduction about problems (background), aim of research, principal methods, the results followed by major conclusion (contribution). The abstract should end with brief conclusion. Abstracts are written in 12 pt Times New Roman, italic, and not more than 150 words.

Keywords are written under abstract. Maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolons (;), important for proper indexing of papers, should be given, e.g.: interpersonal communication; public speaking; implementation. The manuscript in Bahasa must include abstracts and keywords in English written after abstracts and keywords in Bahasa.


Primary literature sources: journals, patents, dissertations, thesis, and textbooks, written in the last 10 years.

  1. The proportion of primary references (journals, proceedings, theses, dissertations, scientific books) published in the last 10 years at least 80%.
  2. Limit the number of self-referenced (self-citation).
  3. Should be avoided: use of reference in reference, popular books, and libraries from the internet except for journals and from government or private agencies.
  4. Abstract is not allowed as a reference.
  5. It is recommended to use a reference setting application such as Mendeley.

Procedure of Publication

All submitted manuscript will send to Editorial Board for appraisal. Editorial Board has the right to ask the author to make improvements before the manuscript sent to the reviewers. The editor also have the right to reject the manuscript if the manuscript does not conform to the prescribed format.

The text will be reviewed by a minimum of two experts in relevant field (peer review). Results of the review will be notified to the author for improvement and then reviewed again by reviewers. The Editorial Board will determine the script that can be published based on the review’s result. The final script before it is issued will be sent back to the author for approval (proofreading).

Submission of Scripts 

Manuscript sent in Ms. files word (max. 2 MB) through Studia Komunika journal website. Related information (A&Q) can be submitted via email address: